Events - proposed by Hardy Hanappi
Scientific Events and Jobs in Vienna - and elsewhere
- 14-05-2012, Celebating 10 Years Wolfram Science
- 15-05-2012, John Weeks (University of London - SOAS) Comments on Crisis
- 16-05-2012, The event list of EAEPE now contains a lot of up to date information
- 14-06-2012, Stellenangebot am IHS Wien
- 01-06-2012, E-Voting Conference in Vienna in July
- 06-06-2012, Gastvortrag Hans Pitlik, Infrastrukturpolik
- 14-06-2012, David Laibman at the Brecht Forum New York
- 15-06-2012, Call for Papers, Arbeiterkammer
- 30-06-2012, Stelleninserat der ÖNB
- 01-12-2012, Student Scholars Award Competition